食譜, 冷凍素食, 素魚/海鮮, 家常風味, 所有產品, 產品情報 三色蛋蒸素帶子 三色蛋蒸素帶子Three Coloured Steamed Egg with Vegan Scallops 材料 :好素素帶子(切粒)- 150克皮蛋(切粒)- 1隻咸蛋(切粒)- 1隻雞蛋- 3隻唐芹(切茸)- 5克 調味 :一口田天然海鹽 – 適量瑞春醬油阿伯黑豆醬油 – 適量 Ingredients:Soo Good Vegan Scallops – 150gPreserved Egg (diced) – 1pcSalted Egg (diced) – 1pcEgg – 3pcChinese celery (minced) – 5g Seasoning:UO Natural Sea Salt Ruei Chun Grandpa Black Bean Soy sauce 做法 :將雞蛋打入碗中,加入凍滾水(水比雞蛋份量 1:1.5)和鹽,完全攪拌均勻。過濾雞蛋液中之雜質,並除去浮在表面的泡沫,以確保蒸蛋細滑而不會產生氣孔。將皮蛋、鹹蛋和素帶子放進雞蛋液中,並攪拌均勻。將混合好之蛋液倒進大碟,大火蒸8分鐘,然後鋪上唐芹茸及淋上黑豆醬油。 Steps:Mix eggs, water (ratio should be 1:1.5)and salt completely.Use a sieve to filter egg mixture to remove all lumps and bubbles. It makes the steamed egg super smooth.Add diced preserved egg, salted egg and Vegan Scallops and mix well.Transfer egg mixture to a deep serving plate. Steam for 8 minutes on high heat, then top with minced Chinese celery and Black Bean Soy sauce. 好素素帶子 瑞春醬油阿伯黑豆醬油 材料 完成